
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Memorial Day and Michael's reward program

Okay this will be a quick post Just wanted to say Happy Memorial day early. I will be gone tomorrow, we are going to see my family about 2 hours away. My cousins always cook out for Memorial day so that is where I will be. I have to make a german chocolate cake, its law I bring it any time I come I am also going to make some mashed potato's. So I am about to go and make it right now so I can relax tonight and not stay up till 2 am cooking. I am the worst at putting things
I wanted to share with anyone that might now know, who knows this could have been around for a year and I am just now finding out about But Michael's now has as a reward program. When I was there today the sales person ask you want to join. I ask what it was and she explained you get rewards for what you buy and its free to sign up. Really. So I joined and I looked at the packet you get with it and it said for joining you get 20 % off your total first sale. And I looked and no where does it say you cant use it on the cricut. I was thinking man 20 % off of a crciut would be a pretty good dent. I have not looked at how the rewards work yet. Says reward program is only in 270 stores but its in all my stores here in Texas. Here is the link if you want to look at it here. So anyway thought I would pass it along to those that might not know.
Have a great day and wonderful Memorial day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cricut Imagine On sale

Just thought I would share has the cricut imagine on sale for 249.99 a great deal! I would be ordering it myself but not in budget this Oh well. But thought I share for those that can. They also have reg and some imagine carts for 19.99 I shop only at a few places online this is one of them. Matter fact my expression come from here. Oh they also have some gypsy covers for 4.95 they have other items as well they have a pretty good sale right now. Well hope you find some goodies.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Father's day card

I bought camping critters about two weeks ago for one reason that is this little deer fishing. I could only pick one cart and I thought you know what I have tons of carts with frilly stuff on it and I need something I can use on guy cards. What I like about this cart is, its cute, funny, and will work for men who love the outdoors or even kids. I knew fathers day was coming up and I wanted to use the fishing deer for his card. He loves fishing and likes to hunt. So tonight I used the cart for the first time and have to say I love it.

How I made this card was I cut the river scene but wanted the river to be a little longer so I hand drew it to the same paper and cut it out. Just extended it a little tiny bit. And then I cut the fishing deer out he was easy to put together, the scene took a little longer. Other than to two die cuts it just some background card stock. Added stickles to the mountains tops and on the fish to try for a fish scale look.

Before I close up this post just wanted to say welcome to all the new followers. Am sure most of you are from link party at Getting Cricky with k Andrews. That was a fun link party, found os many talented crafter's and bloggers. I have lots of blog feed to view Its great. But no matter how you found my blog glad to have you here.
Thanks for looking!
Patches of Pink

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Too Close

Wow yesterday was something else. We were warned we have bad weather and there was high risk of tornado's. I really did not think we would get anything in our area it looked like it as going to skirt by. I was wrong. I seen the tornado warning on tv, sirens start going off. So I put the cats up and got our laundry area ready only center we have.  And from what the weather map looked like it looked like it was going to miss us. Then they showed towns it would be to next. Well there it was our little tiny town of Shady shores.... :0 So panic sat in after seeing all these large tornado's last few weeks it has me little leery. Sirens went off here three times last night. Of course everyone is standing outside to see if they can see it...not to smart I know. I come back in not going to get killed to get a look at
We got so lucky I went back up before it got here. Was not a big tornado at all thank goodness. It did hit our old neighborhood we used to live at for 15 years.
This was it is leaving denton into our little towns. By the way that is not my photo I would never risk my life over a photo. This was off the news site. Was not very big and it was jumping up and down alot so I would think the damage was not to bad. I bet the baseball size hail did more damage than this did. We never got any of the hail, not in the mood to do roof replacement
I don't know what is making these storms so bad this year but my heart goes out to all those who have lost loved ones and homes. I cant imagine what it would be like to lose everything. Well thought I share what our Tuesday was like. Hope everyone else is safe and no one was affected by the storms.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Operation write home cards

Hope you all are having a great Saturday, DH had to work today. So today I am doing some much needed cleaning. I so hate Anyway thought I would share a few cards I made for OWH, they were mailed out Thursday. Wish I could have had more time to make more but they had to go out. Anyway here are a few I snaped before I packed them up. There not fancy just simple cards, the last one I dont card for it needed a little something more. Well got to get back to work, Thanks for looking.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garden update

This is a little off key of crafting but I wanted to post a garden update. These radishes got picked fresh today from our garden. We planted them by seed back in April radishes are so easy to grow and fast to. This was the first year we got to plant a garden in our new house. We got so lucky the garden was already fenced off just needs a little repair and paint. That is next on the to do list. We tilled it up in April and I was shocked at how great the soil was it had not had a garden in years. When we planted we planted some seeds, like the green beans and radishes now the bell peppers, hot peppers and tomato's and squash was bought in packs. Here is the garden right after we planted it in April.
in April not much to look at lol

Garden today as of May I love my garden

Green beans see all the tiny little beans sprouting

This is our Topsy Turvy we have its holds three tomato plants and three herbs. We have pretty good size tomato's growing on this. Great for those who don't want to till and have to cage them. Well that is our garden so far, thanks for looking. And next post will be craft related I

Erin Kramp

Normally I would not write a post saying oh you have to watch Oprah but Thursday I really think if you could make the time you should. Tomorrow they will bring the family of Erin Kramp back on. Of course we all know Oprah is going off the air and she is catching up with her most memorable guest and Erin is the guest I remember most.
In 1994 Erin learned she had terminal breast cancer. Her daughter Peyton was two at the time, Erin fought but at the same time began to prepare her family for the day she would no longer be with them. In 1995 she began making videos for her daughter. Anything from giving advice about boys to putting on makeup, and then the final one saying she will always be with her watching over her on her wedding day and when she has her own children she will watch over them. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. The courage it must have taken for her to make those videos many times she said she would stop the tapes and have a cry and then go back to making the video. The sad part is back then there was alot of back lash over it saying it was parenting from the grave, which I think is a awful thing to say. She just wanted her daughter to know her and to be there for her to give that mother advice of how to do something simple as make up. I am sure with that gift she has given Peyton it has made her daughter feel how much she was loved and that her mom was always thinking of her and her future. She lived for years longer than they said she would. She passed away here in Dallas tx in Nov of 98 leaving the gift of her videos to her daughter and husband. Her husband has since remarried and had two children with his wife and that was Erin wish that he move on and remarry. I think we would all want that for our spouses. So tomorrow if you can make the time I think this show would be something you can watch and get something from it. She really makes you think what if that were me would I be able to do that for my children. I don't have kids so I cant even begin to understand how it would feel to know you will not be there for your children. But at the same time I wish I would have been giving a gift like this. My mom has been sick for a long time, she has Huntington's. And it has robbed me of my mom I once knew, I sometimes feel like I am watching my mom leave me little by little each day. I miss being able to just call her and talk to her for an hour. I can call her but she is only there for about 5 mins I lose her after that. Huntington's is a horrible illness that robs you of your mind and then your ability to walk. But I am grateful for the time we have with her she has good days and bad. But the things she once knew she no longer knows. I cant ask her about her mom and dad cause she dont remember. Maybe if she knew what would happen to her she would have prepared letters or something. I think that is why I like scrap booking so much its a way of leaving my story behind. Well sorry about the long post did not mean to mention anything about my mom normally keep that private, just wanted to say watch Oprah Thursday and have the tissue handy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Link Up Love Party with K Andrew Of Getting Cricky

I have got to where I love the linky parties, you get to see so many cool projects and meet wonderful talented people. I end up finding a blog I have to join every So Kristal of Getting Cricky is having a link up love party. Her link party is calling for us to link up our favorite projects we have posted on our blogs. So after looking though all my projects I have posted I come to find I love this one. For me this one is my fav, I have not even give it away. Its still is up on I love the owl. I made this card to enter for a spot on My Pink Stamper design team. And no I did not get the spot, but I had fun making the card. I tried two new things working on this card. First using flocking which I loved how cute is that "its owl good" stamp, second using peeled corrugated cardboard. I was going for texture. One of these days I will have to send it until then it inspires me to try new things. So that is my favorite project I have posted so far, thanks for looking.
Supplies used
Cricut Give A Hoot cart cut at 3 inch
Recollections Gems
K and company cards
Peeled cardboard
TCP sticker sheet (Branch)
Studio G stamp (Its Owl Good)
Hampton art Flocking
Prima flowers Teal / lime
Time holtz distress ink
Gel Pen

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is anyone else having this prob?

Okay if visited my blog Sunday night and it was not looking normal there was a For some reason I can not edit my blog site. Blogger wont let me see the previews of the templates in the edit mode I have to save it to see it. So after a few hours I posted my old blog back up, thank goodness I saved the old blog site. Does anyone else with a blog have this prob? I want to change my layout but with the html code I have now it wont let me so that is the reason I was trying to change it. Plus I want a bigger banner. Anyway anyone have any good sites to explain how to make your own blog design? Sorry for the mess if you happen to look at the blog Sunday. I am going to try to work on it again so if you see its not looking right please forgive I am still learning. Thank goodness posting is super
Hope you all had a great weekend. Sunday we worked on the yard, we mowed and edged then went to the store. And later that day we went for a bike ride. Was so pretty this last weekend it was tab bit cool just like a perfect spring day. And the blue jays seemed to love our fresh mowed yard, we have lot of blue jays here. This was the one hanging out by me when I was getting clothes off the line. So pretty.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sales this week 5/8-5/14

I am sorry I did not post sooner but Joanne's has a pretty good sale this week. Michaels dont have a ad but they do have one scrapbook item on sale.
They have cricut cart for 29.99
Cricut expesstion or cricut cake 199.99
Martha Stewart party or crafts 25 % off
180 page paper stacks 60% off
No ad this week but they have a 40% off reg item at
Hobby Lobby
50% off stickers
50% off scrapbook and paper pads

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pink stamper NSD challenge #12

I almost did not do this one but thought might as I hope this will be kinda kid related its something I thought be a good card for my nephews.

Well this is my last post for tonight, I did not do a few of the challenges but I got through most of them. This is the most cards I have made in one day, I felt the presure Now I have to go and clean a very messy unorganized craft room. Thanks for looking at my NSD projects, I enjoyed it enevn if it was a challenge.

Pink stamper challenge #10

Layout or project with a pet. I used the moew cart.

Pink stamper NSD challenge #9

Glitz and glam and glitter
I used glimmer mist, stickles, gems and glitter papers lost of

pink stamper NSD challenge 8

Somthing summer
I skipped 8 cause of I only worked a few hours saturday on project and sunday I was gone and worked when I got home. So today was the only day I had to work, so all the post I am making today is all the stuff I made today. Need more time in a

My pink stamper NSD challenge #6

Whew! am I You will have to forgive bad grammer and miss spelling cause I have a lot of post to post super fast. I am not going to add the supply list right now but will add them later tonight. I have to get this up cause we have to run to town and I have to cook and clean up a very beyond messy scrapbook
Okay now for the post I skiped challnege 4 cause I already had mothers day stuff sent out, challenge 5 I skipped also cause well I have ran out of But I did get 6 other challenges. Challenge 6 was incorporate a tag in a project I made a card shock I Thanks for looking.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

NSD Challenge 3

Breast cancer project. This one was a challenge, I made a card. During the time I made it I thought of my grandmother who died 5 months before I was born. She died of breast cancer. Strange how you can miss somebody you never met.

Cuttle bug dots
Martha Stewart butterfly stamp
Jolee's by you flowers
Pink ribbon
Marta stewart pearl gem
Dyno label maker

NSD challenge 2

Make something using kraft paper, that is easy for me cause I use it so much now. I made this card for OWH

NSD Pink stamper challenge 1

I am running a little behind I woke up late, plus DH did not have to work today. So I am crafting in our office where he is as well. You know how that is when you are sharing a place and they keep looking over at you to see what your I am a private Anyway here is my cup cake card its very simple. I left it blank so I can add the stamp I want to the front when I send it.
Supplies used
Kraft card stock
Sweet treat cart cup cake cut at 2 1/4 inch
Tim holtz distess inks tattered rose and tea dye
DCWV paper from a paper stack
Celebrate it ribbon

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For those shopping at Michael's inportant info

I thought I would share this in case any one who shops at Michael's but is not on there email list. A notice about a Michael's store that had pin numbers stolen. Almost a year ago I was victim of someone stealing my card number( I believe at garden ridge) so I feel this is important to pass on. I was lucky I got all my money back but I caught the use very early. But some of my money was tied up for about two weeks while they did the claim. I took steps to make sure using my card online was safe, I bought very good security software. And do feel safe using my card at some stores but if I shop at garden ridge I will not use my card. Cause right after I used my card there is when all the charges come up. Some places its best to go and get cash to pay, would I still shop at Michael's with my card yes. I have shopped for years with my card and never had anything happen there. So anyone in this area listed might want to check into there accounts. Here is the email from Michael's I got.

Dear Michaels Customer:
Michaels has just learned that it may have been a victim of PIN pad tampering in the Chicago area and that customer credit and debit card information may have been compromised.
In the event that this is a more widespread issue, we are taking the precautionary measure of alerting all of our customers so that they may protect themselves. We recommend immediately contacting your bank and/or credit card company to check for and report any unauthorized charges, as well as seek their advice on how to protect your account in the event that your information has been taken. Additional information is available on the Federal Trade Commission website at
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this may have caused you, and we want you to know that we are working with law enforcement authorities in every way we can to help in the investigation. As always, we thank you for being a Michaels customer.
Thank you.
John B. Menzer
CEO, Michaels Stores

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Mother's day card

Hello hope you having a great Wednesday, just wanted to share another card I made for Mother's day. I just loved this paper so much I had to use more of This is the card I am sending to my mom, I wont be able to go visit her for Mother's day :( I wish we coul make the drive down. She just got out of the hospital yesterday, she has been sick with the flu and two weeks before that she had been in for a week. She is doing a lot better now, she is on the mend just in time for mother's day. Which is great!

My Pink Stamper

By the way this Saturday May 7th is National Scrapbook Day. I am going to try to join in the fun over at my pink stamper. She always has fun things planned for NSD and you can join in the fun. And I am sure she will have some wonderful give aways. So if your home hop over and join in the fun. I hope I get to, don't know what is planned for Saturday just yet.
Thanks for looking :)
Supplies used:
paper SEI chocalat- cherie
Butterfly- cricut cart sentimental cut at 2 in.
prima flower
K & Company; company Gems
celebrate it ribbon
Hero arts stamp set- Month of may

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mother's day card

Sorry I have not posted any projects lately, I had been working on my craft area. Since we moved in last yes last year I had been crafting on a 18 x 18 area. It was taken for ever to get anything done. I finally put a small desk in so I have a place to craft. I got it from next door neighbors they had put it out by the curb, I seen it and was thinking huh that make a great little craft desk. Has a pull out keyboard area also which is great double the space but takes up less room. So this was the first project I made on my new
This card I made is for my sister is AL. They just got power back on and worrying about going to get cards is the last thing she needs to worry about. There home is still there but they lost some shingles and lost all there food cause of no power for days. But that is minor compared to what some have lost in the storms, my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones or lost there homes. Makes you thankful for the home you have, even if you gripe about it when its cleaning day.
So about the card I made for her, its not to fancy. I wanted to use chipboard letters so I made some using a cereal box and story book cart. I painted them with making memories paint, but I really piled it on. I wanted it to have texture so I kinda just patted it on once I got it how thick I wanted it I took my hair dyer and dried it a little. I also sprayed glimmer mist on and added some time holtz distress ink. I wish the paint had been a little more darker its so light it does not stand out like I would like but this card did not take to long to make at all. And I love this paper it was 1.99 a sheet but I thought it would make perfect mother's day cards. So thanks for looking.

Supplies used
paper SEI chocalat- cherie
Celebrate it ribbon
Story book cart for MOM
Glimmer mist
Making memories paint-rose petal
Hero arts stamps-month of may