This is my brother Richard I dont have any of my dad photos. He does not like to look at them.
Also Gene's grand father was in the air force WWII he passed a few years ago.
But not only do I wish those who serve a happy veterans day but the family's as well. The wives or husbands who run there houses and family's while the other is away, hats off to you I dont know how you do it. Know I would not be able to. It was hard enough not having my brother around and worrying about him all the time. He called me a few time while he served and you would hear the sound of a missile. I would ask whats that he say oh that is just a scud missile coming across like its nothing...lol Of course I am freaking out. I loved getting to hear his voice but that did not happen to much we wrote alot of letters to each other. Even though he was so far away we still keep in touch I still have all the card notes he wrote home. Why I love doing cards for OWH I understand what its like to get letters from loved ones who are away. Its so so important.The day my brother come home from the Gulf I will never forget someone gave a note to the teacher and she handed to me. It read
Yes I still have it...lol
This little post it note meant my brother was home cause I only have have two brothers. It took me I think about 8 seconds to get all my stuff together and leave. lol When I got outside I could not get a big bear hug fast enough. Was a great day cause my brother was safe and was home lest for a little bit. Now he is out if the army and living here is Texas again. Well hope you all are having a great Veteran's day.
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