Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Late Happy New Year!


Well I know the first day of 2013 is almost gone but wanted to still say to everyone happy new year. I hope everyone has had a safe and great new years. Its that that time of year to make resolutions to lose weight, or healthy or get organized. I used to make long list of what I want to accomplish for the near year and of course get organized on top of the list. This year for me I am not making list list cause the things I wont to change can not be accomplished by a list to check off.

I want to work on becoming a better person and working towards a better life. I feel like I have lost the old me the person I was in the 10 years. I want to find that person again. And I want to work towards bettering our life, our finances and our home. Have purpose other than to make sure bills are paid and the house is clean. I want to have a life I am proud of sometimes I feel like I live such a small life. When people ask "what do you do" I hang my head and say I am a housewife. Then I know the dreaded question is coming "Oh how many children do you have" none. I then feel even worse, its like I can feel the judgment in there voice. I know some will say you should not care what others think and that is true, but its me who has to be okay with it. And the truth is I am not, so these are things I plan to work on this year, even if I only can make small changes it will be getting me on the road to where I want to be. That is my resolution for 2013 besides learning not to right 2012....lol

I am sorry if this post sounds down and out its not meant to be just want to put it out there so I can remind myself and have a goal. And also as I said in my Christmas post I am blogging again. I am sorry I was away so long but I am back, I have really missed blogging and sharing. That is a goal for me this year as well to make sure I have this blog no matter what. So be looking for some craftiness really soon.

I wish you all a happy healthy 2013 I hope its a great year for you all.

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